Video Resources

Assemblies for Schools

I’ve put together a series of short (5-10 minute) assemblies for schools to use. They would work well as part of Key Stage 2 and 3 assemblies or for use in classes at the end of the day. Each one focusses on a different character muscle, tied in loosely with the Routes to Resilience scheme. In each video, I discuss how that quality is key to writing, both in school and in the wider world. Each video includes sections where it should be paused to allow discussion within the class or assembly before proceeding.

If these are useful to you, please let me know via email or Twitter and I will continue to produce more. I’ve added low-resolution versions that can be downloaded for schools with poor internet connections.

Resilience (11 minutes)

Assemblies for Schools - Resilience

This short discussion assembly on resilience is part of my series of Assemblies for Schools. Hopefully, the links between the character muscles and writing will help the children in your class to understand why they are important and how they can help them now and in the future.

Watch the high-resolution version on YouTube

Download the low-resolution version (109 MB)

Perseverance (13 minutes)

Assemblies for Schools - Perseverance

This short discussion assembly on perseverance is part of my series of Assemblies for Schools. Hopefully, the links between the character muscles and writing will help the children in your class to understand why they are important and how they can help them now and in the future.

Watch the high-resolution version on YouTube

Download the low-resolution version (133 MB)

Teamwork (9 minutes)

Assemblies for Schools - Teamwork

This short discussion assembly on teamwork is part of my series of Assemblies for Schools. Hopefully, the links between the character muscles and writing will help the children in your class to understand why they are important and how they can help them now and in the future.

Watch the high-resolution version on YouTube

Download the low-resolution version (94.3 MB)

The Importance of Writing (7 minutes)

Assemblies for Schools - The importance of writing

This short discussion assembly on the importance of writing is part of my series of Assemblies for Schools. Hopefully, the information about how writing can help shape their future will help the children in your class to understand why it is important and how it can help them now and in the future

Watch the high-resolution version on YouTube

Download the low-resolution version (72.4 MB)